English Country Dance in Marin

Huzzah! We’re launching a new dance series in Mill Valley. Join us on second Saturdays for English Country dance at the Almonte Clubhouse 105 Wisteria Way from 2pm-4:30pm with a beginners’ orientation at 1:45. Our first dance will be called by Kalia Kliban on Sat, January 11. Delightful music provided by Bill Jensen, Shira Kammen, & Jim Oakden. General Admission $15. No experience or partner necessary. Mask optional and fragrance free.

English Country Dance in Marin

Huzzah! We’re launching a new dance series in Mill Valley. Join us on second Saturdays for English Country dance at the Almonte Clubhouse 105 Wisteria Way from 2pm-4:30pm with a beginners’ orientation at 1:45. General Admission $15. No experience or partner necessary. Mask optional and fragrance free. Make it a full day of dance — grab a bite for dinner, then head up to San Rafael for the evening contra dance.


Support these great dance events by becoming a member. Member fees help with costs that stretch beyond what dance admission covers — insurance, advertising, and bookkeeping as well as facility rental and paying our musicians, callers, and sound techs. Regular membership is just $30 and a family membership is $50. Sustainer membership is $50 – $100. North Bay Country Dance Society members receive a discount on admission most NBCDS and BACDS dances.