April 4 – 6, 2025
Registration is OPEN!

SUPERTRAD is Dave Langford on fiddle, Eric Schedler on piano and accordion, Sam Bartlett on mandolin and banjo, and Owen Morrison on guitar. While steeped in the subtle intricacies of the old Irish and New England tune traditions, Supertrad plays with a groove and persistence that is timeless. (See Supertrad on Facebook.) THE ENGINE ROOM hails from both coasts and places in between. Featuring Noah VanNorstrand (fiddle, mandolin, foot percussion), Kelsey Wells (fiddle, banjo), and Alex Sturbaum (guitar, button accordion), the Engine Room will lay down a driving, nonstop groove that is sure to get you moving. (See The Engine Room on Facebook.)
Gender-neutral calling will be expertly provided by LISA GREENLEAF from the Boston area and MICHAEL KARCHER from Allentown, PA.
LOCATION: Strawberry Recreation Center, 118 E Strawberry Dr, Mill Valley, CA 94941
COVID POLICY: Masks and vaccinations are optional. Same-day testing is required. More details on registration page.
- Adult ($190)
- Young Adult ($130 for ages 18 to 30)
- Youth (free for 17 and under, must still register)
- Work-Trade ($95) we will contact you about availability
If you cannot do work trade and need a limited income scholarship, indicate that on the registration form, and we will contact you.
SCHEDULE details will be posted later, but here are the basics:
6:00 pm – 10:00 pm
9:00 am Hall Opens for Enhanced Continental Breakfast
9:30 am -10:00 pm Dancing (with lunch provided, dinner break)
9:00 am Hall Opens for Enhanced Continental Breakfast
9:30 am -5:15 pm (with lunch provided)
- Note that we’re not having a Sunday evening session
FOOD: Brenda Goodwin heads up the food service this weekend with a variety of tasty and healthy snacks throughout the weekend. Breakfast and lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday. Consult this list of local restaurants for other meals.
CANCELLATION: Cancellations are subject to a $20 processing fee. After March 14, 2025 the full fee will be retained unless we are able to fill your place.
ACCOMMODATIONS and CARPOOLS: We have a Facebook event page for dancers wishing to arrange shared housing and/or carpools. We make every effort to find housing for out-of-town dancers if requested. We appreciate locals offering hospitality to traveling dancers – it’s a wonderful way to expand your network of dance friends. List of nearby motels.